Peter Robinson Settlers – the Next Generation

The photo above is of the original Roman Catholic Church which was located on concession 12, Lot 5 in Galway Township.

Another exodus occurred as families grew and thrived through the 1830s and 1840s. Sons of the Irish pioneers were soon looking for their own land to start their own families. The search eventually shifted north, as the back townships were opening up.

2025 will be a year filled with celebration and reflection. We are working on a driving tour of the farm lots that descendants of the 1825 Peter Robinson Settlers settled in subsequent years after pioneering in the southern Townships of Douro, Emily, Ennismore (the Gore of Emily), Ops, Smith, Marmora and Asphodel. We are looking at land records and censuses and birth, marriage and death records to connect them to Galway Township (Trent Lakes). We are also digging deep into Family Trees from some of the families who had made Galway their home.

The trees with the Green Highlight are surnames from the 1825 voyages and settlement.

Our records are unique to Trent Lakes Historical Society. We have more knowledge of the movements of the PRS after the initial settlements than almost anyone else.

We are still looking for more family information to add to our library. If you can help, please contact us through our FB pages: Peter Robinson – the Next Generation, Kinmount Heritage Centre or G.H.H.S. Greater Harvey historical Society. You can also email us at:

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